WISEDAT API – Developers

Version 1.7



Before starting to use our API, please refer to the following help topic on how to configure WISEDAT API Server and how to get an API Key.
The implementation of the public API is not included in the BASIC Plan. The support focuses on providing technical assistance for bug fixing and suggestion analysis only. Does not include software development services for implementing it.



The API status of a given company




Authorization: WDAPI [api-key]

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK

    State: int,



    State can assume the following values:
    0. Offline;
    1. Online;
    2. Company not found (Incorrect API key);
    3. API not activated;
    4. Table management not active (not relevant in this context);
    5. Module Wisedat API Server not available;
    6. Inactive plan;
    PublicKey is only returned if State is 1. This returns the Modulus and Exponent encoded in Base64, for RSA encryption purposes. A new key is generated once a day, or if the server is restarted, which invalidates all authorization tokens.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – No Authorization property on the request header

Authentication ^


Login on the Wisedat server




Authorization: WDAPI [ApiKey;User;Password] (encrypted with server’s public RSA key which is received on the status request, and its result converted to a Base64 string)

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK

    auth_token: string,
    token_expiration_date: date


    Auth_token is a JSON Web Token and contains encrypted information
    about the session, user, etc. It must be sent on the header of
    subsequent requests, for authorization purposes.
    This token is valid for 30 minutes.

  • Error 400
     400 Bad Request – No Authorization property on the request header
  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Login failed

Company ^


Information about a given company




Authorization: Bearer {JWT} (The JWT contains the ApiKey that identifies the company)

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK

    id: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int,


    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int



  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token

Products ^


Get one or a list of products


GET/products {id,limit,page,modified_since,query,name,description,barcode,brand,model,show_inactive,stock_modified_since}


id (int): ID of a product. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit(int): Limit of products per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get products modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get products whose name, description or barcode contain this parameter.
name (string): Get products whose unique name contains this parameter.
description (string): Get products whose description contains this parameter.
barcode (string): Get products whose barcode contains this parameter.
brand (string): Get products whose brand ID matches this parameter.
model (string): Get products whose model ID matches this parameter.
show_inactive (boolean): Show or hide inactive products. The default value is false.
stock_modified_since (date): Get products with stock modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}


Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {
    limit: int, page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: int,
    description: string,
    barcode: string,
    image: string,
    price: float,
    current_stock: float,
    type: int,
    active: boolean,
    tax: {

    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    unit: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    model: {

    id: string,
    description: string
    brand: {

    id: string,
    description: string





    id_warehouse: int,
    id_location: int,
    id_lot: int,
    current_stock: float,
    reserved_stock: float




    id: int,
    name: string,
    short_name: string






  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    name: string,
    description: string,
    barcode: string,
    brief_description: string,
    commercial_description: string,
    notes: string,


    price: float,
    current_stock: float,
    type: int,
    net_weight: float,
    gross_weight: float,
    volume: float,
    delivery_time: int,
    active: boolean,
    tax: {

    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string.
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    unit: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    model: {

    id: string,
    description: string
    brand: {

    id: string,
    description: string




    id: int,
    id_parent: int,
    name: string,
    short_name: string




    id_warehouse: int,
    id_location: int,
    id_lot: int,
    current_stock: float,
    reserved_stock: float




    id: int,
    cost_price: float,
    unit: {
    id: string,
    description: string



    main_supplier: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean


    Images are Base64 encoded strings.
    Type can assume two values: 1 (merchandise) and 2 (service).
    An inactive product is always returned when searched by ID.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Product from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new product




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



name: string,
description: string,
barcode: string,
price: float,
type: int,
tax: string,
unit: string,
brand: string,
model: string,
warehouse: int,
brief_description: string,
commercial_description: string,
notes: string,
categories: [


id: int




  • Note
    – Name, description, price and type are mandatory;
    – Name must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters;
    – Price must be equal or higher than 0;
    – Type can only assume 1 (merchandise) or 2 (service);
    – Barcode must be unique;
    – If tax, unit, or warehouse are not defined, their respective suggested values are used;
    – The first category in the list, is considered the main one;
    – To associate the product to a brand or model, both fields must be filled with the correct ID’s.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: int


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the
    validation of the request is returned






Update an existing product



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: int,
barcode: string,
price: float,
type: int,
tax: string,
brand: string,
model: string,
warehouse: int,
brief_description: string,
commercial_description: string,
notes: string,
categories: [


id: int




id: int,
cost_price: float,
unit: string



main_supplier: int

  • Note
    – Id is mandatory;
    – Price and supplier’s cost_price must be equal or higher than 0;
    – Type can only assume 1 (merchandise) or 2 (service);
    – Barcode must be unique;
    – When a list of categories or suppliers is declared, they replace all the current ones. The first category in the list, is considered the main one;
    – The main_supplier must be included on suppliers if it’s declared. Otherwise, it must be present on the current list of suppliers;
    – If the suppliers’ unit is not indicated, the product’s unit is used. Otherwise, it must be related to the later;
    – To update the brand or model, both fields must be filled with the correct ID’s.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of
    the request is returned



  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The product indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a product




Authorization Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory and must be numeric;
    A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The product indicated by the id does not exist

Categories ^


Get one or a list of categories




id (int): ID of a category. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of categories per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get categories modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get categories whose name, or parent name contain this parameter.
name (string): Get categories whose name contains this parameter.
parent (int/string): Get categories whose parent name or ID contains this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int

    categories: [


    id: int, id_parent: int,
    name: string,
    short_name: string,
    image: string




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    id_parent: int,
    short_name: string,
    image: string


    Image is a Base64 encoded string.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Category from parameter id doesn’t exist



Insert a new category




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



name: string,
short_name: string,
id_parent: int


Name is mandatory.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: int


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of
    the request is returned






Update an existing category




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}


id: int,
name: string,
short_name: string

Id is mandatory.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The category indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a category




 Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory and must be numeric; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The category indicated by the id does not exist

Brands ^


Get one or a list of brands




id (string): ID of a brand.
description (string): Get brands whose description contains this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}.

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string


  • Error 400
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Brand from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new brand




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string


  • Note
    Id and description are mandatory.
    Id is a 10 character string, it must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing brand




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string


  • Note
    Id is mandatory.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The brand indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a brand




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The brand indicated by the id does not exist

Models ^


Get one or a list of models




id (string): ID of a model.
description (string): Get models whose description contains this parameter.
brand (string): Get models whose brand ID matches this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}.

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string,
    brand: {

    id: string,
    description: string




  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string,
    brand: {

    id: string,
    description: string



  • Error 400
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Model from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new model




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string
brand: string


  • Note
    Id, brand and description are mandatory.
    Id is a 10 character string, it must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing model




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
brand: string,
description: string


  • Note
    Id and brand are mandatory.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The model indicated by the id and brand does not exist


Delete a model




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id and brand are mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The model indicated by the id and brand does not exist

Customers ^


Get one or a list of customers




id (int): ID of a customer. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of customers per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get customers modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get customers whose name, code, or tax ID contain this parameter.
name (string): Get customers whose name contains this parameter.
name (string): Get customers whose code contains this parameter.
tax_id (string): Get customers whose tax ID contains this parameter.
show_inactive (boolean): Show or hide inactive customers. The default value is false.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int

    customers: [


    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    website: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    notes: string,
    entity_type: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    birthday: date,
    payment_method: {


    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    id: string,
    description: string

    currency: {

    id: string,
    symbol: string.
    decimal_cases: int

    salesman: {

    id: int,
    name: string,
    commission: float.
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    billing_address: {

    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



    shipping_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string


    other_addresses: [


    street: string,
    city: string,
    type: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string




    An inactive customer is always returned when searched by ID.
    Birthday is a UTC date.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Customer from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new customer




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



code: string,
name: string,
tax_id: string,
website: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
notes: string,
currency: string,
birthday: string,
salesman: int,
country: string,

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string



street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Code, name, country and one of the addresses are mandatory.
    Code must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.
    Country is an ISO 3166-1 code.
    In both addresses, the street and city are mandatory. If the country is not defined, the customer’s country is assumed. If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    If the country is Portugal, the tax_id must be a valid NIF.
    Email must be a valid e-mail.
    Birthday must be sent in UTC.
    If currency is not defined, the base currency is assumed.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: int


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing customer




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: int,
name: string,
tax_id: string,
website: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
notes: string,
currency: string,
birthday: string,
salesman: int,
country: string,

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string



street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Tax_id is ignored if the customer already has a tax ID.
    Country is an ISO 3166-1 code.
    The customer’s name can only be changed if it has a
    tax ID or no sale associated to it exist.
    In both addresses, the street and city are mandatory.
    If the country is not defined, the customer’s
    country is assumed.
    If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a
    valid Portuguese postal code: four digits,
    ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    If the country is Portugal, the tax_id must be a valid NIF.
    Email must be a valid e-mail address.
    Birthday must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601(YYYY-MM-DD).
    If currency is not defined, the base currency is assumed.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The customer indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a customer




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory and must be numeric;
    A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The customer indicated by the id does not exist

Customer Addresses ^


Get one or a list




id (int): Customer ID. Numeric and mandatory.
type (string): Address type.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values


Insert a new customer address




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



customer: int,
street: string,
city: string,
type: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string



  • Note
    Customer, type, street, city and country are mandatory.
    Type must be unique.
    If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a
    valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘,
    three digits (‘000’ if not present).

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation
    of the request is returned






Update an existing customer addresss




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



customer: int,
street: string,
city: string,
type: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string



  • Note
    Customer, and type are mandatory.
    If the country is Portugal, postal_code
    (or the current one if postal_code isn’t in the request)
    must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘,
    three digits (‘000’ if not present).

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation
    of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The customer or type don’t exist


Delete a customer address




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – customer and type are mandatory;
    A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The customer or type don’t exist

Salesmen ^


Get one or a list of salesmen




id (int): ID of a salesman. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of salesmen per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get salesmen modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get salesmen whose name, code, or tax ID contain this parameter.
name (string): Get salesmen whose name contains this parameter.
name (string): Get salesmen whose code contains this parameter.
tax_id (string): Get salemen whose tax ID contains this parameter.
show_inactive (boolean): Show or hide inactive salesmen. The default value is false.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean




  • Sucess with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    notes: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    address: {

    street: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string




    An inactive salesman is always returned when searched by ID.
    Commission is a percentage value.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric 401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Salesman from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new salesman




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



code: string,
name: string,
tax_id: string,
commission: float,
email: string,
phone: string,
notes: string,
country: string,

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Code, name, country are mandatory.
    Code must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.
    Country is an ISO 3166-1 code.
    If address is declared, the street and city are mandatory.
    If the country is not defined, the salesman’s country is assumed.
    If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid
    Portuguese postal code: four digits,
    ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    If the country is Portugal, the tax_id must be a valid NIF.
    Email must be a valid e-mail address.
    Commission must be a number between 0 and 100.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: int


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing salesman




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: int,
name: string,
tax_id: string,
commission: float,
email: string,
phone: string,
notes: string,
country: string,

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Tax_id is ignored if the salesman already has a tax ID.
    Country is an ISO 3166-1 code.
    If address is declared and the salesman doesn’t have an address, the street and city are mandatory. If the country is not defined, the salesman’s country is assumed. If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    If the country is Portugal, the tax_id must be a valid NIF.
    Email must be a valid e-mail address.
    Commission must be a number between 0 and 100.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The salesman indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a salesman




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory and must be numeric; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The salesman indicated by the id does not exist

Suppliers ^


Get one or a list of suppliers




id (int): ID of a supplier. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of suppliers per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get suppliers modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get suppliers whose name, code, or tax ID contain this parameter.
name (string): Get suppliers whose name contains this parameter.
name (string): Get suppliers whose code contains this parameter.
tax_id (string): Get suppliers whose tax ID contains this parameter.
show_inactive (boolean): Show or hide inactive suppliers. The default value is false.



Authorization:Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success Without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    notes: string,
    entity_type: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string




    An inactive supplier is always returned when searched by ID.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 409
     404 Not Found – Supplier from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new supplier




Authorization: Bearer{JWT}



code: string,
name: string,
tax_id: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
notes: string,
country: string,

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Code, name, country are mandatory.
    Code must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.
    Country is an ISO 3166-1 code.
    If address is declared, the street and city are mandatory. If the country is not defined, the supplier’s country is assumed. If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    If the country is Portugal, the tax_id must be a valid NIF.
    Email must be a valid e-mail address.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing supplier







name: string,
tax_id: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
notes: string,
country: string,
street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
region: string,

iso_3166_1: string



  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Tax_id is ignored if the supplier already has a tax ID.
    Country is an ISO 3166-1 code.
    If address is declared and the supplier doesn’t have an address, the street and city are mandatory. If the country is not defined, the supplier’s country is assumed. If the country is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    If the country is Portugal, the tax_id must be a valid NIF.
    Email must be a valid e-mail address.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The supplier indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a supplier




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory. A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The supplier indicated by the id does not exist

Orders ^


Get one or a list of orders


date,expiration_date,your_reference }


id (string): ID of an order. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of orders per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get orders modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get orders whose customer (code/name), salesman (code/name), series or your reference contain this parameter.
closed (boolean): Get closed or open orders.
customer (int/string): Get orders whose customer’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
salesman (string): Get orders whose salesman’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
series (string): Get orders whose series ID contains this parameter.
date (date): Get orders from the given date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
expiration_date (date): Get orders from the given expiration date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
your_reference (string): Get orders whose reference contains this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    billing_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string


    shipping_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    salesman: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,


    product: {

    id: int,
    name: int,
    barcode: string,
    type: int,
    unit: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    tax: {

    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    price: float,
    quantity: float,
    discount: float,
    type: int,
    description: string,
    warehouse: int



    your_reference: string,
    notes: string,
    vehicle_plate: string,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float,
    alternate_billing_address: string,
    alternate_shipping_address: string,
    hash: string,
    hash_control: string,
    atcud: string,
    loading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal


    unloading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal



    The field type of items can assume these values:
    1. Merchandise/Service
    2. Postage
    3. Adjustment
    4. Value discount on merchandise/service
    5. Other value discount
    6. Notes
    Date and expiration_date are sent in UTC.
    Merchandise is the total value of items with type 1. Postage is the total value of items with type 2. Adjusctment is the total value of items with type 3. Discounts is the total value of items with type 4 and 5.
    Subtotal is equal to Merchandise plus Postage minus Discounts. Total adds Taxes and subtracts Adjustment to the Subtotal.
    Taxes is the total value of item taxes, which exist in every item type, except 3 and 6.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount is a percentage value.
    Alternate_billing_address and alternate_shipping_address are address types.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Order from parameter id doesn’t exist
  • Error 409
    409 Conflict – The order was edited by another application, in a way that makes it invalid for API purposes


Insert a new order




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string


unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string





id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int



  • Note
    Customer, date, expiration_date and series are mandatory.
    The customer must have a billing address. The address of type “Empresa” is used as billing address and the one of type “Entrega” is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared.
    If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, the customer’s respective values are used. If they don’t exist, the suggested or default values are used instead.
    If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 2 (orders). If not, the suggested orders sales document is used.
    When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100.
    If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1. Discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6, the item is simply ignored in that case.
    The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types.
    Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared.
    All the order’s totals must be positive.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing order




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string



unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string




id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int




  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Closed orders can’t be modified.
    The customer must have a billing address. The address of type “Empresa” is used as billing address and the one of type “Entrega” is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared.
    If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, but customer is, the values are replaced by the customer ones, if they exist.
    If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 2 (orders).
    When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100.
    If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1. Discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If items is declared, all previous items of the order are deleted and replaced by the new ones.
    If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6, the item is simply ignored in that case.
    The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types.
    Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared.
    All the order’s totals must be positive.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The order indicated by the id does not exist


Delete/cancel an order
Note:If the order is not closed, it’s deleted. If not, it’s canceled.




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The order indicated by the id does not exist

Estimates ^


Get one or a list of estimates




id (string): ID of an estimate. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of estimates per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get estimates modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get estimates whose customer (code/name), salesman (code/name), series or your reference contain this parameter.
closed (boolean): Get closed or open estimates.
customer (int/string): Get estimates whose customer’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
salesman (string): Get estimates whose salesman’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
series (string): Get estimates whose series ID contains this parameter.
date (date): Get estimates from the given date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
expiration_date (date): Get estimates from the given expiration date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
your_reference (string): Get estimates whose reference contains this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    billing_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string


    shipping_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    salesman: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,


    product: {

    id: int,
    name: int,
    barcode: string,
    type: int,
    unit: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    tax: {

    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    price: float,
    quantity: float,
    discount: float,
    type: int,
    description: string,
    warehouse: int



    your_reference: string,
    notes: string,
    vehicle_plate: string,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float,
    alternate_billing_address: string,
    alternate_shipping_address: string,
    hash: string,
    hash_control: string,
    atcud: string,
    loading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal


    unloading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal



    The field type of items can assume these values:
    1. Merchandise/Service
    2. Postage
    3. Adjustment
    4. Value discount on merchandise/service
    5. Other value discount
    6. Notes
    Date and expiration_date are sent in UTC.
    Merchandise is the total value of items with type 1. Postage is the total value of items with type 2. Adjusctment is the total value of items with type 3. Discounts is the total value of items with type 4 and 5.
    Subtotal is equal to Merchandise plus Postage minus Discounts. Total adds Taxes and subtracts Adjustment to the Subtotal.
    Taxes is the total value of item taxes, which exist in every item type, except 3 and 6.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount is a percentage value.
    Alternate_billing_address and alternate_shipping_address are address types.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Estimate from parameter id doesn’t exist
  • Error 409
    409 Conflict – The estimate was edited by another application, in a way that makes it invalid for API purposes


Insert a new estimate




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string


unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string





id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int



  • Note
    Customer, date, expiration_date and series are mandatory.
    The customer must have a billing address. The address of type “Empresa” is used as billing address and the one of type “Entrega” is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared.
    If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, the customer’s respective values are used. If they don’t exist, the suggested or default values are used instead.
    If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 2 (estimates). If not, the suggested estimates sales document is used.
    When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100.
    If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1. Discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6, the item is simply ignored in that case.
    The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types.
    Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared.
    All the estimate’s totals must be positive.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing estimate




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string



unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string




id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int




  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Closed estimates can’t be modified.
    The customer must have a billing address. The address of type “Empresa” is used as billing address and the one of type “Entrega” is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared.
    If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, but customer is, the values are replaced by the customer ones, if they exist.
    If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 2 (estimates).
    When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100.
    If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1. Discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If items is declared, all previous items of the estimate are deleted and replaced by the new ones.
    If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6, the item is simply ignored in that case.
    The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types.
    Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared.
    All the estimate’s totals must be positive.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The estimate indicated by the id does not exist


Delete/cancel an estimate
Note:If the estimate is not closed, it’s deleted. If not, it’s canceled.




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The estimate indicated by the id does not exist

Movement Of Goods ^


Get one or a list of movements of goods




id (string): ID of a movement of goods. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of movements of goods per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get movements of goods modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get movements of goods whose customer (code/name), salesman (code/name), series or your reference contain this parameter.
closed (boolean): Get closed or open movements of goods.
customer (int/string): Get movements of goods whose customer’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
salesman (string): Get movements of goods whose salesman’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
series (string): Get movements of goods whose series ID contains this parameter.
date (date): Get movements of goods from the given date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
expiration_date (date): Get movements of goods from the given expiration date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
your_reference (string): Get movements of goods whose reference contains this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    billing_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string


    shipping_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    salesman: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,


    product: {

    id: int,
    name: int,
    barcode: string,
    type: int,
    unit: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    tax: {

    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    price: float,
    quantity: float,
    discount: float,
    type: int,
    description: string,
    warehouse: int



    your_reference: string,
    notes: string,
    vehicle_plate: string,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float,
    alternate_billing_address: string,
    alternate_shipping_address: string,
    hash: string,
    hash_control: string,
    atcud: string,
    loading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal


    unloading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal



    The field type of items can assume these values:
    1. Merchandise/Service
    2. Postage
    3. Adjustment
    4. Value discount on merchandise/service
    5. Other value discount
    6. Notes
    Date and expiration_date are sent in UTC.
    Merchandise is the total value of items with type 1. Postage is the total value of items with type 2. Adjusctment is the total value of items with type 3. Discounts is the total value of items with type 4 and 5.
    Subtotal is equal to Merchandise plus Postage minus Discounts. Total adds Taxes and subtracts Adjustment to the Subtotal.
    Taxes is the total value of item taxes, which exist in every item type, except 3 and 6.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount is a percentage value.
    Alternate_billing_address and alternate_shipping_address are address types.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Movement of goods from parameter id doesn’t exist
  • Error 409
    409 Conflict – The movement of goods was edited by another application, in a way that makes it invalid for API purposes


Insert a new movement of goods




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string


unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string





id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int



  • Note
    Customer, date, expiration_date and series are mandatory.
    The customer must have a billing address. The address of type “Empresa” is used as billing address and the one of type “Entrega” is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared.
    If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, the customer’s respective values are used. If they don’t exist, the suggested or default values are used instead.
    If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 2 (movement of goods). If not, the suggested movement of goods sales document is used.
    When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100.
    If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1. Discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6, the item is simply ignored in that case.
    The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types.
    Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared.
    All the movements of goods’s totals must be positive.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing movement of goods




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string



unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string




id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int




  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Closed movements of goods can’t be modified.
    The customer must have a billing address. The address of type “Empresa” is used as billing address and the one of type “Entrega” is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared.
    If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, but customer is, the values are replaced by the customer ones, if they exist.
    If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 2 (movement of goods).
    When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100.
    If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).
    The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1. Discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If items is declared, all previous items of the movement of goods are deleted and replaced by the new ones.
    If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6, the item is simply ignored in that case.
    The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types.
    Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared.
    All the movements of goods totals must be positive.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The movement of goods indicated by the id does not exist


Delete/cancel a movement of goods
Note:If the movement of goods is not closed, it’s deleted. If not, it’s canceled.




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The movement of goods indicated by the id does not exist

Sales Invoices ^


Get one or a list of sales invoices




id (string): ID of a sale invoice. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of sales invoices per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get sales invoices modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get sales invoices whose customer (code/name), salesman (code/name), series or your reference contain this parameter.
closed (boolean): Get closed or open sales invoices.
customer (int/string): Get sales invoices whose customer’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
salesman (string): Get sales invoices whose salesman’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
series (string): Get sales invoices whose series ID contains this parameter.
date (date): Get sales invoices from the given date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
expiration_date (date): Get sales invoices from the given expiration date. Date must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
your_reference (string): Get sales invoices whose reference contains this parameter.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    document_number: int,
    customer: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    email: string,
    phone: string,
    active: boolean,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string

    billing_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string


    shipping_address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    region: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    salesman: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean

    delivery_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_condition: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    payment_method: {

    id: string,
    description: string

    sales_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,


    product: {

    id: int,
    name: int,
    barcode: string,
    type: int,
    unit: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    tax: {

    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    price: float,
    quantity: float,
    discount: float,
    type: int,
    description: string,
    warehouse: int



    your_reference: string,
    notes: string,
    vehicle_plate: string,
    date: date,
    expiration_date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    closed: boolean,
    merchandise: float,
    postage: float,
    discounts: float,
    subtotal: float,
    taxes: float,
    adjustment: float,
    total: float,
    entity_discount: float,
    financial_discount: float,
    alternate_billing_address: string,
    alternate_shipping_address: string,
    hash: string,
    hash_control: string,
    atcud: string,
    loading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal


    unloading_location: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: Portugal



    The field type of items can assume these values:
    1. Merchandise/Service
    2. Postage
    3. Adjustment
    4. Value discount on merchandise/service
    5. Other value discount
    6. Notes
    Date and expiration_date are sent in UTC.
    Merchandise is the total value of items with type 1. Postage is the total value of items with type 2. Adjusctment is the total value of items with type 3. Discounts is the total value of items with type 4 and 5.
    Subtotal is equal to Merchandise plus Postage minus Discounts. Total adds Taxes and subtracts Adjustment to the Subtotal.
    Taxes is the total value of item taxes, which exist in every item type, except 3 and 6.
    Entity_discount and financial_discount is a percentage value.
    Alternate_billing_address and alternate_shipping_address are address types.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Sale invoice from parameter id doesn’t exist
  • Error 409
    409 Conflict – The sale invoice was edited by another application, in a way that makes it invalid for API purposes


Insert a new sale invoice




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string


unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string





id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int



  • Note
    • customer, date, expiration_date and series are mandatory;
    • The customer must have a billing address. The address of type Empresa is used as billing address and the one of type Entrega is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared;
    • If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, the customer’s respective values are used. If they don’t exist, the suggested or default values are used instead;
    • If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 4 (sale invoice). If not, the suggested sales invoice sales document is used;
    • When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero;
    • Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it;
    • entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100:
    • If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present);
    • The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1;
    • discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100;
    • If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6 (notes), the item is simply ignored in that case;
    • The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types;
    • Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared;
    • All the sales invoices totals must be positive;
    • The field type of items can assume these values:
      1. Merchandise/Service
      2. Postage
      3. Adjustment
      4. Value discount on merchandise/service
      5. Other value discount
      6. Notes

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing sale invoice




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
customer: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
your_reference: string,
notes: string,
vehicle_plate: string,
delivery_method: string,
sales_document: string,
payment_condition: string,
payment_method: string,
date: date,
expiration_date: date,
closed: boolean,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
entity_discount: float,
financial_discount: float,
alternate_billing_address: string,
alternate_shipping_address: string,
loading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string



unloading_location: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string




id: int,
description: string,
tax: string,
price: float,
quantity: float,
discount: float,
type: int,
warehouse: int




  • Note
    • Id is mandatory;
    • Closed sales invoices can’t be modified;
    • customer, date, expiration_date and series are mandatory;
    • The customer must have a billing address. The address of type Empresa is used as billing address and the one of type Entrega is used as shipping_address, unless alternate_billing_address or alternate_shipping_address are declared;
    • If salesman, delivery_method, payment_condition, payment_method, currency or entity_discount are not defined, the customer’s respective values are used. If they don’t exist, the suggested or default values are used instead;
    • If sales_document is defined, its document type must be 4 (sale invoice). If not, the suggested sales invoice sales document is used;
    • When currency (either from the request or from customer) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero;
    • Series must be active for the sales_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it;
    • entity_discount and financial_discount accept numbers between 0 and 100:
    • If the country of loading_location and unloading_location is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present);
    • The fields id, discount and warehouse of items are only considered if type is 1;
    • discount accepts numbers between 0 and 100;
    • If item’s description is not declared a default value is used, except for type 6 (notes), the item is simply ignored in that case;
    • The tax of an item is mandatory if type is 4 or 5. If type is 1 and tax is not declared, the product’s tax is used. Tax is ignored with other types;
    • Item’s price and quantity must be higher than 0. Price is mandatory if type is 2, 3, 4 or 5. Quantity is mandatory if type is 1, otherwise its value is 1 if not declared;
    • All the sales invoices totals must be positive;
    • The field type of items can assume these values:
      1. Merchandise/Service
      2. Postage
      3. Adjustment
      4. Value discount on merchandise/service
      5. Other value discount
      6. Notes

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The sale invoice indicated by the id does not exist


Delete/cancel a sale invoice
Note:If the sale invoice is not closed, it’s deleted. If not, it’s canceled.




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The sale invoice indicated by the id does not exist


Get a PDF invoice




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK

    A PDF file is returned

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The sale invoice indicated by the id does not exist

Payments ^


Get one or a list of payments




id (string): ID of a payment. If this parameter is declared, all others are ignored.
limit (int): Limit of payments per page. If not declared, the limit is 50.
page (int): Page number. If not declared, the default value is 1.
modified_since (date): Get payments modified/created since the declared date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601.
query (string): Get payments whose customer (code/name), salesman (code/name), series or your reference contain this parameter.
entity (string): Get payments whose customer’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
entity_type (int): Get payments from customers (0) or suppliers (1)
salesman (string): Get payments whose salesman’s ID, code or name contain this parameter.
series (string): Get payments whose series ID contains this parameter.
date (date): Get payments from the given date. Date and time must be sent in UTC according to ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss).



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK

    pagination: {

    limit: int,
    page: int,
    number_pages: int,
    number_items: int



    id: string,
    entity: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    entity_type: int,
    active: boolean,

    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean



    id: string,
    description: string,
    value: float,
    date: date


    payment_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,
    date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    received_value: float,
    discount_value: float,
    withholding_amount: float,



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    entity: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    tax_id: string,
    entity_type: int,
    active: boolean,

    series: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean

    salesman: {

    id: int,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    commission: float,
    tax_id: string,
    active: boolean



    id: string,
    description: string,
    value: float,
    date: date


    payment_document: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean

    currency: {

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int

    exchange_rate: float,


    id: string,
    received_value: float,
    discount_value: float


    notes: string,
    date: date,
    canceled: boolean,
    received_value: float,
    discount_value: float,
    withholding_amount: float,
    hash: string,
    hash_control: string,
    atcud: string

    Date is sent in UTC.

  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – Parameter id must be numeric
  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Payment from parameter id doesn’t exist
  • Error 409
    409 Conflict – The payment was edited by another application, in a way that makes it invalid for API purposes


Insert a new payment




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



entity: int,
entity_type: int,
salesman: int,
series: string,
notes: string,
payment_document: string,


id: string,
value: float,
date: date


date: date,
currency: string,
exchange_rate: float,
discount_value: float,
discount_percentage: float,


id: int,
received_value: float,
discount_value: float



  • Note
    Entity_type only accepts 0 (clients) for now.
    Entity, entity_type, date and series are mandatory.
    If salesman or currency are not defined, the customer’s respective values are used. If they don’t exist, the suggested or default values are used instead.
    If payment_document is not defined, the suggested payments document is used.
    When currency (either from the request or from entity) is not the company’s base currency, exchange_rate is mandatory and must be higher than zero.
    Series must be active for the payment_document, and the number of documents of that type can’t exceed the series’ limit. Date must be in its date interval. A series with vat_cash_system must be used if the company or the customer uses it. A series without vat_cash_system can only be used if neither use it.
    Discount_percentage accepts numbers between 0 and 100.
    If discount_percentage or discount_value have value, the discount_value of associated¬_documents is ignored.
    All associated_documents must be from the same entity.
    All document totals must be positive. The total of received_value’s from associated_documents must match the total of value’s from payment¬_methods.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Delete/cancel a payment
Note:If the payment is not closed, it’s deleted. If not, it’s canceled.




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The payment indicated by the id does not exist

Taxes ^


Get one or a list of taxes




id (string): ID of a tax.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string




  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string
    value: float,
    description: string,
    type: int,
    exemption_reason: {

    id: string,
    description: string


    Type can assume these values:
    0. Exempt
    1. Reduced
    2. Intermediate
    3. Normal
    4. No deduction

  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Tax from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new tax




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
value: float,
type: int,
description: string
  • Note
    Id, value, description and type are mandatory.
    Id is a 2 character string, it must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.
    Value must be a number between 0 and 100.
    If type is 0 or 4, exemption_reason is mandatory. In that case, the value must be 0, otherwise it can’t be 0.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing tax




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
value: float,
description: string,
type: int,
exemption_reason: string


  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Value must be a number between 0 and 100.
    If type is 0 or 4, exemption_reason is mandatory. In that case, the value must be 0, otherwise it can’t be 0.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The tax indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a tax




Authorization:Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The tax indicated by the id does not exist

Units ^


Get one or a list of units




id (string): ID of a unit.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}.

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string


  • Error 400
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Unit from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new unit




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string


  • Note
    Id and description are mandatory.
    Id is a 5 character string, it must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: string


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing unit




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string


  • Note
    Id is mandatory.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The units indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a unit




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The unit indicated by the id does not exist

Series ^


Get one or a list of series




id (string): ID of a series.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string,
    vat_cash_system: boolean,
    active: boolean


    Vat_cash_system indicates if the series is under “Regime de IVA de caixa”.

  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Series from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new series




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string,
vat_cash_system: boolean


  • Note
    Id and description are mandatory.
    Id is a 5 character string, it must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.
    The default value of vat_cash_system is false.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created

    id: int


  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing series




Authorization:Bearer {JWT}



id: string,
description: string,
vat_cash_system: boolean


  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    Vat_cash_system can be edited if no document is associated to that series.

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The series indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a series




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – The series indicated by the id does not exist

Warehouses ^


Get one or a list of warehouses




id (int): ID of a warehouse.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: int,
    code: string,
    description: string,
    address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string





  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    code: string,
    description: string,
    address: {

    street: string,
    city: string,
    postal_code: string,
    postal_code_location: string,
    phone: string,
    fax: string,
    country: {

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string




  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Warehouse from parameter id doesn’t exist


Insert a new warehouse




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



code: string,
description: string,

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Code and description are mandatory.
    Code is a 8 character string, it must be unique and contain only alpha-numeric characters.
    If the country of address is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present). If country is not defined, the company’s country is used.

Returned Values

  • Success
    201 Created


    id: int
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned






Update an existing warehouse




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}



id: int,
description: string,
address: {

street: string,
city: string,
postal_code: string,
postal_code_location: string,
phone: string,
fax: string,
country: {

iso_3166_1: string




  • Note
    Id is mandatory.
    If the country of address is Portugal, postal_code must be a valid Portuguese postal code: four digits, ‘-‘, three digits (‘000’ if not present).

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    Not Found – The warehouse indicated by the id does not exist


Delete a warehouse




Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success
    200 OK
  • Error 400
    400 Bad Request – id is mandatory; A list of errors concerning the validation of the request is returned





  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – The warehouse indicated by the id does not exist

Currencies ^


Get one or a list of currencies




id (string): ID of a currency.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string,
    symbol: string,
    decimal_cases: int


  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Currency from parameter id doesn’t exist

Countries ^


Get one or a list of countries




id (string): Code ISO 3166-1 of a country.


Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    iso_3166_1: string,
    name: string


  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Country from parameter id doesn’t exist

Delivery Methods ^


Get one or a list of delivery methods




id (string): ID of a delivery method.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string


  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Delivery method from parameter id doesn’t exist

Exemption Reasons ^


Get one or a list of exemption reasons




id (string): ID of an exemption reason.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string


  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Exemption reason from parameter id doesn’t exist

Payment Conditions ^


Get one or a list of payment conditions




id (string):</b< ID of a payment condition.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string


  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Payment condition from parameter id doesn’t exist

Payment Methods ^


Get one or a list of payment methods




id (string): ID of a payment method.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string


  • Error 401
     401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
     404 Not Found – Payment method from parameter id doesn’t exist

Sales Documents ^


Get one or a list of sales documents




id (string): ID of a sales document.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean


    Document_type can assume these values:
    0. Quotation request (work)
    1. Quotation
    2. Order
    3. Stock/Transfer (mov)
    4. Financial (inv)
    Saft_type can assume different values, depending on the document_type.
    If document_type is 0 or 1, its value can be -1 (no SAFT) or 0 (conference document).
    With type 2, it can only be -1 (no SAFT).
    If type is 3, it can be -1 (no SAFT), 0 (GR – Goods delivery), 1 (GT – Transport document), 2 (GA – Transport document for own fixed assets), 3 (GC – Consignation guide) and 4 (GD – Return note from customer).
    If type is 4, it can be -1 (no SAFT), 0 (FT – Invoice), 1 (ND – Debit note), 2 (NC – Credit note), 3 (VD – Sale for cash), 4 (TV – Sales ticket), 5 (TD – Devolution ticket), 6 (FS – Simplified invoice) and 7 (FR – Invoice-receipt).

  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Sales document from parameter id doesn’t exist

Payment Documents ^


Get one or a list of payment documents




id (string): ID of a payment document.



Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string,
    default_series: string,
    document_type: int,
    saft_type: int,
    active: boolean


  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Payment document from parameter id doesn’t exist

Entity Types ^


Get one or a list of entity types




id (string): ID of an entity type.


Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: string,
    description: string,
    clients: boolean,
    suppliers: boolean



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: string,
    description: string,
    clients: boolean,
    suppliers: boolean


  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Entity Type from parameter id doesn’t exist

Promotions ^


Get one or a list of promotions




id (int): ID of a promotion.


Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Returned Values

  • Success without ID
    200 OK


    id: int,
    description: string
    category: int,
    entity_type: string,
    offered_product: int,
    brand: string,
    start_date: date,
    end_date: date,
    happy_hour_start: date,
    happy_hour_end: date,
    sold_quantity: float,
    offered_quantity: float,
    price_reduction: float,
    fixed_price: float,
    discount_percentage: float,
    price_type: int,
    all_products: boolean,
    active: boolean,
    products: [
    id: int



  • Success with ID
    200 OK

    id: int,
    description: string
    category: int,
    entity_type: string,
    offered_product: int,
    brand: string,
    start_date: date,
    end_date: date,
    happy_hour_start: date,
    happy_hour_end: date,
    sold_quantity: float,
    offered_quantity: float,
    price_reduction: float,
    fixed_price: float,
    discount_percentage: float,
    price_type: int,
    all_products: boolean,
    active: boolean,
    products: [
    id: int


  • Error 401
    401 Unauthorized – Invalid/Inexistent/Expired token
  • Error 404
    404 Not Found – Promotion from parameter id doesn’t exist

Changelog ^

Version 1

Date: 20/03/2017
Notes: First version.

Version 1.1

Date: 04/04/2017
Notes: Added supplier management and product suppliers. New fields on products.

Version 1.2

Date: 17/05/2017
Notes: New fields when getting a single order (hash, hash_control).

Version 1.3

Date: 24/11/2017
Notes: Creation of hash code when creating a new order.

Version 1.4

Date: 16/06/2020
Notes: Added brand and model management. Brand and model fields on products.

Version 1.5

Date: 04/03/2021
Notes: Prices 2 to 5 added to products;
Management of estimates, movement of goods, sales invoices, payments, payment documents, dimensions, dimensions measures and reasons;
Added ATCUD, loading_date and unloading_date fields to orders.

Version 1.6

Date: 21/12/2021
Notes: Added entity types and promotions;
Added entity_type field to customers and suppliers.

Version 1.7

Date: 25/09/2023
Notes: The URL of the request GET salesinvoices/invoice was modified.
